UPA Masteron E 200


  • Drostanolone Enenthate
  • 200mg / ml
  • 10ml vial
SKU: 916 Category: Tag:

UPA Masteron Enanthate

UPA Masteron Enanthate is dosed at 200mgs/ml, and comes in a 10ml multi use vial, with (of course) the enanthate ester instead of UPA Masteron’s traditional propionate ester. Though this particular compound acts just like the one with the propionate ester, in almost all respects. Let’s see how it differs.

Now, we know a couple of things from the Minto et. al studies (see the profile for Deca-Durabolin); the first is that higher mg/ml steroids give higher blood plasma levels of a given steroid, and we also know that shorter esters do this as well. So why would anyone make a nice cutting steroid like UPA Masteron (drostanolone propionate) into a longer estered version? In this case, the higher concentration (200mgs/ml) and longer ester (enanthate) allow us to do several interesting things with this compound. One I’ve heard of is people running a gram per week of it, and that would only require two 2.5ml shots! Another thing I’ve seen is people using this with a long estered Tren and Test (along with an ancillary compound like Letro) and having a great cutting cycle that only requires a 1-2 day a week injection schedule.

Weight 0.100 kg
UPA Masteron E 200
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